A motor is a simulation element that acts on Rigid Bodies in the Simulate system - or on Soft Bodies in the case of Bullet dynamics - and applies a permanent force or torque.
A motor can therefore be used to drive the wheels of a vehicle, a roller conveyor belt, etc.
In contrast to its angle, the position of a motor is irrelevant. The angle determines the direction of force or torque axis. Both are displayed in the Viewport by a motor visualization.
If necessary, assign the motor to an object so that it aligns itself accordingly (in the case of a car model, for example, to the chassis), as in the following example (see also Connector position) is shown.
Example 1
When using motors, make sure that driven objects are attached to the rest of the geometry with a Connector(Hinge mode) so that any forces generated can be transferred to them. In the example file above, the vehicle drives autonomously over a Landscape object.
Example 2
In this scene, the balls roll down a track and enter the field of action of a cube field, which in turn regulates a linear motor to lift the balls upwards. An XPresso Falloff Node checks whether the balls are in the field.