Springs are elements that exert forces that increase with their deflection.
Springs have a rest length (rest angle for angle springs) at which no forces act. As soon as a spring is deflected beyond its resting length/angle, a force acts to move the spring back to its resting state. As a spring then oscillates beyond this state again due to the inertia of the linked objects, these typical spring oscillations occur.
The spring object basically recognizes 2 spring types:
- Linear springs
- Angular springs (torsion springs)
The spring type is displayed accordingly in the Viewport.
Note that springs exert forces on the linked objects, but do not hold them in position. Additional connectors are required for this. For the angle spring shown above, for example, this would be a connector of the Angle Type, Hinge Mode, which is positioned in the axis of rotation where the angle spring is also located. A connector of Type Linear, Rail Mode could be used with the linear spring.
Linear springs ensure that the tappets are pressed against the camshaft of an internal combustion engine.