Basic Emitter
This Emitter has many parallels to the Emitter of the old particle system, because it offers simple basic shapes, such as a rectangle or a disk, but also volumes, such as a cuboid and a sphere, as shapes on which new particles are created. Together with the Emitter, a particle group is always created with which the particles are managed. The particles themselves are therefore always independent of the Emitter. You will find all the settings on the Emitter, e.g., to specify the lifetime, speed, color and size of the new particles.
Compared to the other emitter types, the Basic Emitter also offers the added value that this emitter can also be duplicated under an Array object or a MoGraph Cloner object and all generated particles are automatically managed within the assigned Particle group. This means that even more complex shapes can be assembled from copied Basic Emitters. The following video demonstrates this using the example of animated emitters under an Array object.