The character menu contains various commands that are designed to make character animation easier. The commands have no dialog window. You can integrate the commands freely into the interface for rapid access using the Command manager.
Converts a spline object to a chain of joints. A joint object is created for each spline point. To convert the spline to joints, choose the desired spline in the Object Manager and choose this command.
Converts a chain of joints to a spline object. A spline point is created for each joint. The spline's Type is set to Linear.
Creates a null object for each joint object selected in the Object Manager, including entire hierarchies. The joint objects' tags are also transferred.
Note that only a series of connected joints can be converted at once. If there is an interruption in this chain of joints only the first connected series of joints will be converted.
Pressing the Shift key while executing this command will keep any frozen coordinates values set on the source object, and apply them to the converted Null. Pressing the
Allows you to create joint objects for the selected objects in the Object Manager.
Pressing the Shift key while executing this command will keep any frozen coordinates values set on the source object, and apply them to the converted Null. Pressing the
Creates a joint object in the center of the selected points. If you hold down Shift when choosing the command, a joint object (edge or polygon selections will be converted to point selections internally; only separate joints for non-neighboring point groups will be created) is created for each coherent point group. The command also works with polygon selections and edge selections.
Converts the selected joint into a polygonal object. The shape of the object created will be based on the bone Display mode set in the Object tab of each joint.
Note that Line mode will be converted to a polygonal object based on the Standard bone display (since polygons cannot have only 2 points).