FBX Import / Export
The FBX file format, which was originally developed by Kaydara and currently owned by Autodesk, is supported by most major 3D applications, including of course Autodesk’s MotionBuilder software. FBX files are capable of storing not only geometry (and Splines) but also texture, animation, light and camera (incl. stereo cameras) data. Note that not all object data (e.g., all Cinema 4D light parameters) can be transferred but only data that can also be interpreted by other applications.
The following list contains the supported material properties. The FBX properties are listed on the left and the corresponding Cinema 4D property is listed on the right. These can be converted accordingly.
FBX | Cinema 4D |
Emissive/EmissiveFactor | Luminance channel: color, texture/brightness |
Ambient/AmbientFactor | Environment channel: color, texture/brightness |
Diffuse/DiffuseFactor/Alpha | Color channel: color, texture/brightness/image alpha |
Specular/SpecularFactor | Specular channel: color, texture/brightness |
Shininess | Reflectance channel: width, roughness |
NormalMap | Normal channel: Textur |
Bump/BumpFactor | Bump channel: texture/strength |
TransparentColor/TransparencyFactor | Transparency channel: color, texture/brightness |
Reflection/ReflectionFactor | Reflectance channel: color, texture/brightness |
DisplacementColor/DisplacementFactor | Displacement channel: texture/strength |
Note that a texture in the Alpha channel will only work if the identical texture is loaded into the Color channel.
Textures loaded into the Reflectance channel as Width or Roughness will be exported and imported as Shineness or Glossiness.