Animation Palette
The Animation Palette contains the most-used navigation and recording tools from the Timeline itself. This bears the advantage of not having to constantly switch to the animation layout, thus speeding up workflow.
The Animation Palette consists of the following three main elements:
Naturally the Animation Palette communicates with the Timeline, i.e., keys created or deleted here will also be created and deleted in the Timeline.
Current image as well as the beginning and end of a document can also be set numerically (see above image).
To jump to a specific point in your animation simply click on the top half of the Timeline Ruler or drag the current frame to the desired location (during which the animation will play in the editor view). If you do not want the animation to play, press the ALT-key while dragging the frame.
Editing Keys:
Right-clicking on the Timeline Ruler or Powerslider will open a menu with the following options:
The following 7 commands should already be familiar to you from the Timeline. These can be used to modify the key interpolation for selected keyframes.
See Linear
See Spline
Spline types
See Soft
See Ease
These functions will affect the keys that lie within a given selection. Cut will delete the keys and save them
to the clipboard. These keys can then be pasted to another location or into another selection using Paste in
Place. When using Paste in Place the keys will be scaled proportionally to fit the selection. Copy saves the
keys to the clipboard without deleting them and Delete removes the keys. Alternately you can use the keyboard
This option determines if the pasted keys should be pasted over existing keys (Ripple Edit deactivated) or if a range in a corresponding length should be created before the existing selected area, whereby subsequent keys will be pushed farther down the timeline.
When keys are deleted (Ripple Edit active) subsequent keys will automatically be moved to the left accordingly.
If a track is selected in the Timeline, only the keys for this track can be edited in the Animation Palette, even though keys on other tracks will still be visible. Activating this option lets you better differentiate between active and inactive keys.
Activating this option will unlink the Powerslider (bottom left half) from the Timeline Ruler (top half). Only the Timeline’s preview area will be defined by the Powerslider. The animation range will remain unchanged.
Activating this option will display the time format, as defined in the program presets (e.g., frames or SMPTE), in the animation range.
The differences in functionality between the default Animation Palette and the Advanced Mode are nominal. All functions described for the default mode can be used in the Advanced Mode. The exceptions are explained below.
The Advanced Mode was implemented in order to offer those switching from other applications a familiar environment.
So, what’s the difference between the Advanced Mode and the default (normal) mode?
Visually, no difference will be seen between Position, Scale or Rotation Keys if this option is enabled. Keys will always be displayed as vertical lines that span the entire height of the Timeruler.
Disable this option in order to get a better overview of Key types:
Position, Scale and Rotation Keys are arranged in different colors and at different locations vertically on the Timeruler:
When enabled, the Position, Scale and Rotation Keys’ X, Y and Z components will be assigned different colors and positions along the Timeruler:
All keys within a given selection will be reversed, i.e., the animation will run in reverse.
A given selection, including keys, will be moved either to the far left or far right of the visible animation range.
A given selection, including keys, will be scaled so that the left-most key lies at the far left and the right-most key lies at the far right of the visible Timeline range.
This option sets the document length and time to the values defined by the Powerslider.
This option does the opposite of what Trim to Work Area does. The Powerslider will take up the complete
document length. Alternately you can
Deletes all markers.
A sound track loaded via the Timeline’s Create / Add Special Tracks / Sound command can be displayed in the Powerslider. This makes it easier to create a soundtrack synchronous to the animation.
If multiple sound tracks are being used a menu will appear from which you can select the desired track.
Enabling this option lets you set keys that do not lie entirely on a full Frame (e.g., on Frame 34.4) to the nearest full Frame (in this case to Frame 34).