Click this tool when you want to edit the edges of polygons. Selected edges are colored.
You can select and edit edges in much the same way as for points.
- To select an edge, drag over the edges with the Live Selection tool, just as
you would to select points (or use any other selection tool).
- To add edges to the selection, hold down
Shift while you select.
- To remove edges from the selection, hold
down Ctrl/Cmd while you select.
- To select all edges, choose
Select / Select All.
- To deselect all edges, choose Selection / Deselect All or drag the selection tool over an empty space within the
You can use the Move, Scale and Rotate tools to edit the selected edges. To delete the selected edges (including their
polygons), press Delete.
Tools that can be useful for editing such as the
Edge Cut and especially the
Polygon Pen can be called up via a contect menu. To do so, simply right-click on a
point. Mac users need to
Cmd+click to call up the context menu.
With the introduction of Cinema 4D S22, the Use Point mode also makes editing UV points in the Texture UV
Editor available (see also
UV Mode). There is no longer a separate UV Point mode.