Bake Material
This function lets you render the following to one or more separate image files for selected objects (they must subsequently be applied manually):
If you want to avoid having to subsequently assign the bitmap to a material, then an object, use the Bake Object function. This will, though, greatly limit the control you have opposed to using the manual method.
Let’s assume you want to render an animation, and a complex shader or area shadow has to be rendered for each image. You can, for example, save a lot of render time by baking the shader and projecting it onto the object as a normal image file.
You can even render lighting, bump, Ambient Occlusion, etc. onto the material, which lets you avoid having to light these objects, depending on your scene (in this case, add an Luminance material channel to your material).
The integrated optimized mapping makes sure the UV coordinates are placed in such a manner as to not overlap.
Materials are now baked including all Material tags. Now you simply select the object itself, not the Material tag to be baked. If the object contains several materials, i.e., Material tags, they will be baked, taking hierarchy and alpha channels into consideration – exactly as the object would normally be rendered.
Proceed as follows when you want to bake an object’s material
The Bake Material tag will remain and be saved with the scene so you can keep a good overview of your previous work. An object can have numerous Bake Material tags!
In addition, several materials can be baked simultaneously – simply select the desired Bake Material tags and click on Bake.
Solution: Set the image file or shader’s Blur Offset somewhat higher than 0%.