Tag Properties
If enabled, all Child objects of the object to which the tag is assigned will also be exported.
This option affects many clone-generating objects, like the Cloner. If enabled, a separate Track will be created for each Clone in After Effects®. This can however become very confusing if very many Clones are used. This option should then be disabled.
Note that animating the clone count (e.g., for the MoInstance Cloner object) can result in unwanted behavior. The option will not function.
Defines where the After Effect’s® layer’s Anchor Point should be, i.e., the center point around which the layer should rotate.
Enable this option if the exported object should appear as a solid layer in After Effects®. Its size can be defined via the Size X and Size Y values, respectively.
If the Solid option is enabled, these values can be used to define the size of the layer.
Defines the layer color, which will also be assumed by the compositing application.