
This generator’s functionality is pretty much described by its name: Remesh. If an object is made a Child object of the Remesh object (hereinafter referred to as Remesher), a seconde mesh will be created that is as identical as possible to the original object. So what’s this good for?

3D shapes can be created in many ways. Generally speaking, the easier and faster complex shapes can be created in 3D, the poorer the mesh quality or edge flow, e.g., Sculpt objects or 3D scanned objects. 3D scanned objects often have a very tight mesh, only made up of triangles.

Good or optimized meshes are at best made up of uniformly-sized quads whose edge flows follow the topology of the object shape, i.e., they have a good edge flow (such meshes are easier to deform). This functionality is referred to as Retopology.

In the same vein, the Remesher attempts to generate the best possible mesh. It can, for example, easily generate the objects on the right in the image below from the mesh on the left (3D scanned object):

Note the primarily square, uniformly-sized polygons that were created and the edge flow that, for example, follows the shapes in the areas of the horse’s mouth, teeth and mane.

A slight drawback is that this does not always work as well as in the image above. CAD models in particular or "hard surface models" (technical models) are generally less well suited for the algorithm used by this feature. In these cases, mesh holes can result and hard edges can be remeshed imprecisely.

The meshes at the center and right of the image above, you can see that poles were created here and there, which is not desired in most cases. The Remesher does not deliver perfect results but can be very helpful, depending on the purpose for which it’s used - and it delivers fast results.

Furthermore, you can use a spline to define an edge flow direction. Details can be found under Flow Splines.

The Remesher is good for use with organic shapes and the following types of objjects:

Example: The polygon density of meshes created using the Sculpt feature can be "normalized".
Example: The mesh on the left was created using a Volume Builder and Volume Mesher and was converted to a homogenous mesh (right) ussing the Remesher.

Vertex-Maps, Vertex Normals, Vertex Color tags and UV coordinates will be tanken into cosideration and converted accordingly (whereby the latter will connect existing UV Islands with bordering UV Islands - including the problems that will arise).
