Basic Properties
Here you can enter a name for the object.
This is the name that will be used for the bitmap in the XPresso editor or Timeline
If an element was assigned to a layer its layer color will be displayed here. This field reflects the layer color in the Layer Palette. You can drag & drop layers from the Layer Manager or similar layer fields onto this field. You can also assign layers or remove elements from current layers using the menus located behind the small triangle.
MIP and SAT mapping only approximate the optimum computation, since a precise computation would increase the render time greatly. SAT mapping is more accurate than MIP mapping. But sometimes these approximations can make a texture too blurred or too sharp.
So the Blur Offset and Blur Scale you to blur or sharpen the mapping. Blur Offset softens a texture.
Blur Scale fine-tunes the strength of the MIP or SAT mapping. A positive value increases the blur; a negative value weakens it. A strong value blurs detail but helps prevent flickering during animation. A weaker value brings out more detail but, increases the risk of flickering.