Reference Cinema 4D Advanced Features MoGraph Effectors
Function available in CINEMA 4D Broadcast, Studio


Basic Coord. Effector Parameter Deformer Falloff


As the name suggests, this is a very simple Effector. Unlike any other Effector, this Effector’s influence is restricted solely to its Falloff value (i.e., only via Fields). It can be compared to the effect of the Shader Effector without a texture.

The Plain Effector performs no special task and therefore has no Effector-specific parameters (Effector tab). However, this Effector is calculated much faster since it does not require the calculations other Effectors do.

This Effector plays special role since the introduction of Cinema 4D R20: numerous effects can only be realized using this Effector and the respective Fields. Shader, Formula, Sound, Step and Volume Effectors no longer have to be used.

The Plain Effector should be applied when making changes to Clones (via parameters of the Parameter tab) exclusively with regard to Effector falloff (also for animations) or Clone selection.