Tools Menu

A list of the last 8 tools (not modes) is created. This list can be found by clicking on the following icon (located to the right of the Reset Coordinates tool icon).

Tip:This function can also be displayed via the HUD in the Viewport (Active Tool option).

Switching tools

For an easier workflow you can use the following commands to switch between the last two tools used. This is, for example, useful when switching between Live Selection and the Move tool when constantly selecting and moving, etc.

Toggle Selection Tool

This command - or pressing the Space Bar - will switchback-and-forth between Selection tools (e.g., Live, Rectangle, Loop, Hair) and any other tool that had been previously selected.

This command (or pressing Shift+Space Bar) in turn switches back-and-forth between each of the last two selected tools. Contrary to the previously described function, this one is not restricted to the Selection tools. You can also switch between the Move and Rotate functions, for example.