
Tip:Older plug-ins that were built for S22 or previous releases will not work in Cinema 4D R23. Please contact the respective plug-in vendors for a newer version specifically built for R23..
Tip:The structure of the libraries in the Content Browser has been changed in Cinema 4D R21. It will be difficult for scenes that use Content Browser assets via a link to find these assets. As a workaround, open these scenes in Cinema 4D R20 and save them using the Save Project with Assets command. These scenes will then work independent of the Content Browser.
Tip:If you use OSX Mojave, the Color Chooser’s Color Picker can be disabled (grayed out). In order to make it possible for Cinema 4D to access the Color Picker, open the Mac system settings here: Security/Privacy. Add the executable Cinema 4D start file here.
Tip:Make sure not to modify the installed program folders or their contents in any way (the only exception: The plugins folder - plugins can be placed here as usual)! If any modifications are made your software will not function properly! All user-specific information is saved to the user directory, including Content Browser libraries and similar elements.
Tip:If you should encounter instability when starting Cinema 4D (which mostly occurs in conjunction with the GPU-Framework), quit Cinema 4D and restart Cinema 4D with the Ctrl/Cmd key held down until the messages Shift+Ctrl: Use Minimum Viewport Settings appears. Cinema 4D will then sart with reduced settings (that you can increase again using the Main menu: Edit|Preferences|Viewport Hardware setting).

Additional useful information

If you receive error messages (e.g., "Cannot open file") when importing files from foreign formats (e.g., *.csv files in the Structure Manager), this file might already be open in a different application. This program will prevent the file from being opened in Cinema 4D. Close that application (e.g., Excel) prior to importing the file into Cinema 4D.