Color Presets (Swatch)
You can use this manager to access preset colors or patterns including any you have created and saved.
Managing the presets (moving, deleting) can be done here as well as in the Content Browser. In the end, however, all presets will be loaded in a library in the Content Browser.
We recommend you use the presets in the following way: whenever you have a color or pattern that you might want to use again, save it as a color preset. When painting, have the 3D view (including the object to be painted) in one window and the Color manager in another. Choose a brush, click on a color preset (click on the top left preview in the Color manager to display the presets) and paint in the 3D view. When you want to change the pattern, double-click a new preset and paint again. If you work in this way, you will move frequently and swiftly between the two windows and your object should be painted in minimal time. Presets can be re-arranged via drag & drop.
Context Menu
Right-clicking on an element will open a context menu with the following (not yet described) options:
Lets you rename the element.
Opens the Content Browser and displays the corresponding element.
Take a guess at what this does …
Creates a new Preset Library. This library can easily be passed onto and imported by other users.
You can add any number of folders to organize your presets. The folder will be added to the selected element.
Use this command to import color presets from BodyPaint 3D Release 2.5 or earlier. These previous vesions did not use the Content Browser to manage colors.
A dialog window will open when this command is selected. Next, navigate to your old BodyPaint 3D directory, open the prefs folder and load the bodypaint_colors.b3d file. The presets will then be converted to a Content Browser library. This library can then be found in its default location in the user folder (library / browser / bodypaintuser.lib4d).
- Presets from post BodyPaint 3D R2.5 (those that exist as "*.lib4d" files) will, when selected for use, be copied into your library directory and simultaneously be opened in the Color Presets.
Exports the selected elements (as "*.lib4d" library). This can be done with individual colors or entire directories. These directories can in turn be imported via the Import BodyPaint Presets command.
If you choose All Presets, all color presets are displayed.
If you choose a different group from the list, only the presets belonging to the group are displayed.
If this option is enabled, the icons are displayed as a vertical list and their names are specified.
If this option is enabled, the icons are displayed in rows and columns instead of as a vertical list. The names of the presets are not shown in this mode.
Choose the size of the icons: small, medium or large.