Basic Properties

Basic Properties


Here you can enter a name for the object.

This name will also appear in the Render menu and the Content Browser when the property is saved as a preset.


Use this option to define globally if any data should be saved at all during rendering. This also applies to Multi-Pass and compositing files.

Enable Multi-Pass Rendering

Enables or disables the Multi-Pass-Rendering Cinema 4D.

Enable Stereoscopic Rendering

This is the main switch for enabling or disabling stereoscopic rendering. For details, please refer to Stereoscopic.

Material Override

See Material Override.


Depending on the renderer you have installed, a list will be displayed that lets you define how Cinema 4D should render. What you will normally see displayed in this list is:

Standard or Physical Renderer?

In most cases you should use the normal Cinema 4D renderer (Standard), which itself is very fast and stable.

However, if you want to correctly depict photographic effects such as those listed below, you should use the Physical Renderer.

Several drawbacks of the Physical Renderer, however, should not be ignored:

Several effects in the Physical Renderer have been simulated for some time now in post-production. However, much of this was done by cheating and the result never really matched the real rendered effect. This applies to the following situations, for example: