General Information
Redshift understands and translates the native camera types and most of their settings. A general discussion of commonly used camera settings is included in the Camera Basics topic. However, to use all available Redshift rendering options and post effects, it is recommended to use the native Redshift camers.
You can access the different camera types directly from Cinema 4D's Create menu. These cameras basically use the normal Cinema 4D Camera object supplemented by a Redshift Camera Tag. Since the Redshift Camera Tag was already used in older Redshift versions for Cinema 4D, this keeps older projects compatible.
If you already have a Cinema 4D camera, you can also apply the Redshift Camera Tag manually from the Tags / Camera Tags menu in the Object Manager.
Combinations of Cinema 4D cameras and Redshift Camera Tags can be added from the 'Create' menu.
Using the combination of a Cinema 4D camera and a Redshift Camera Tag, all native Redshift settings are found in the Tag.
Redshift does not currently support stereoscopic cameras. Attempting to render using a stereoscopic camera will generate an error.
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