EXR Metadata

The metadata names of this document might be different on older versions of Redshift! These names will take effect after version 2.6.04 and 2.5.64.

When Redshift saves EXR images, it adds the following metadata:

rs/version The Redshift version that was used to generate this image. For example "2.5.60"
rs/hostname The name of the computer that saved this image
rs/camera/nearPlane Camera's near plane
rs/camera/farPlane Camera's far plane
rs/camera/aspect Camera's aspect ratio (might be different to image aspect ratio!)
rs/camera/fov If the camera type is perspective, the fov in radians
rs/camera/orthoHeight If the camera type of orthogonal, the orthogonal height, in world units
rs/camera/aperture Camera's aperture
rs/camera/shift Camera's shift
rs/camera/2DTo3DVector TODO
rs/camera/transform The camera's transform as a 4x4 matrix.
rs/camera/cdm2 The "candela per square meter" setting of the camera that was used to render this image
rs/camera/shutterRatio The camera's shutter ratio parameter. For more info on this photographic-exposure-related parameter, please see this page.

The camera's FStop parameter
For more info on this photographic-exposure-related parameter, please see this page.

rs/camera/whitepoint White point
For more info on this photographic-exposure-related parameter, please see this page.

Vignette amount
For more info on this photographic-exposure-related parameter, please see this page.


Allowed overexposure
For more info on this photographic-exposure-related parameter, please see this page.

rs/camera/allowOverexpDesat Allow overexposure desaturation
For more info on this photographic-exposure-related parameter, please see this page.
rs/camera/blackCrushThresh Black crush threshold
For more info on this photographic-exposure-related parameter, please see this >page.
rs/camera/blackCrushAmount Black crush amount
For more info on this photographic-exposure-related parameter, please see this page.
rs/camera/saturation Saturation
For more info on this photographic-exposure-related parameter, please see this page.
rs/camera/DOFRadius Bokeh radius. For more info on this bokeh-related parameter, please see this page.
rs/camera/DOFFocusDistance Bokeh focus distance
For more info on this bokeh-related parameter, please see this page.
rs/camera/DOFAspect Bokeh aspect ratio
For more info on this bokeh-related parameter, please see this page.