
Geometry Only

Use this option to display or hide all axes, handles and guides (for details see Nur Geometry).

Almost any type of element that can be displayed in the viewport can be switched on or off here on the Filter tab. The options are self-explanatory: A few elements (e.g., Fields) will be displayed when selected.

Geometry Only Playback

Works as above only that everything except geometry will be hidden when you play back an animation.


Enables/Disables the display of Fields.


Enables/Disables the display of hair and guides.

Animation Path

Enables/Disables the display of amination paths.


Enables/Disables the display of Null objects.


Enables/Disables the display of polygons.


Enables/Disables the display of Splines.


Enables/Disables the display of Generators.

Subdivision Surface

Enables/Disables the display of Subdivision Surfaces.


Enables/Disables the display of Deformers.


Enables/Disables the display of cameras.


Enables/Disables the display of lights.


Enables/disables environment objects such as the Floor, Background, etc.


Enables/Disables the display of Particles.


Enables/Disables the display of Joints.


Enables/Disables the display of all grids such as Base Grid and Workplane.


This refers to elements that do not fall into any other category such as loudspeakers, etc.

World Grid

If the Workplane does not lie on the default XZ plane, 2 grids will be visible in the Viewport. This option can be used to toggle the display of the default grid.

World Axis

Enables/Disables the World Axis display.


Enables/Disables the HUD display.

SDS Mesh

Enables/Disables the Subdivision Surfaces mesh display.

Component Highlighting

Elements that can be selected (points, edges, polygons) will be highlighted when the cursor lies over them.

Object Highlighting

Enable this option of objects should be highlighted with an outline when the mouse approaches.

Multi-Select Axes

When multiple objects are selected a small object axis will be displayed for each. Use this option to turn the display of these axes on or off.


Enables/Disables the display of axes.

SDS Cage

Deactivates the display of the unsmoothed Subdivision Surfaces Cage object in point, edge or polygon mode.

N-gon Lines

N-gons consist internally of triangles. This option enables/disables the display of these triangles for each n-gon.


Enables/disables the Display tag's integrated Ghosting functionality.


Use this setting to define the visibility of the guidelines (as an object or dynamically).


Many objects have these orange handles with which you can, for example, interactively modify a cube's size. This option lets you enable or disable the handles.

Furthermore, this setting also affects the center point display for Null objects

Load Preset...

Save Preset...

Use these settings to load or save the views to the Asset Browser.

See also Preset Management for more details.