Node Editor

Preview for New Nodes

When new Nodes are created, this global option defines if Nodes should be displayed with a preview thumbnail or without. The preview can, however, be hidden or displayed anytime at Node level.


Here you can define if a grid should be displayed in the Node Editor. The Nodes can then snap to the grid.


Here you can define if you want to define globally if the Navigator should be visible in the Node Editor. This can, however, be switched temporarily in the Node Editor (menu: View/Show Navigator).


This option can be used to display the Info Area at the bottom of the Node Editor in which you can, for example, display the data type of a selected port. Alternatively, the Info Area can be toggled on or off in the Node Editor's View menu.


If a Node produces errors or has been fed with invalid data types, it will be framed in red (look for error messages in the info area that can give you more information). This red frame can be hidden if you disable the Error option.


Here you can show or hide the display of IDs and Asset IDs in the Node Editor's Info Area. The Info option must also be enabled in order to display the IDs.