Redshift CPU

Table Of Contents


Configuring Redshift CPU

In Blender, Redshift CPU can be configured under the Redshift addon settings found in the Blender Preferences menu.


Compute Devices

Lists the available GPU and CPU hardware and controls which devices are enabled for rendering in Redshift.


Hybrid Rendering

When enabled, hybrid rendering allows for simultaneous GPU and CPU rendering.

At least one GPU and CPU must be enabled in the Compute Devices list for simultaneous GPU and CPU rendering.


When does CPU rendering occur?

CPU rendering can take place in two situations:

  1. A CPU is enabled by itself in the Compute Devices list

  2. Hybrid Rendering is enabled and both a CPU and GPU are enabled in the Compute Devices list

In all other cases rendering will only occur on the GPU.


GPU Rendering GPU and CPU Rendering CPU Rendering