


Quickly give your footage a Walking Dead-style, grungy, textured treatment. Texturize’s seamless tiling textures make it easy to animate and bring life (or death) to your video or still imagery.


Apply any of several common texture patterns to your compositions with Texturize's convenient presets. Find these via the blue Open Dashboard... button or the Choose a Preset... button below it.

Once you select a preset, its name will automatically populate the Texture drop-down menu field. (Note that there are three more entries in the drop-down than the Presets window. Easter eggs!) Alternatively, you can simply pick a preset from this pull-down and sidestep the Presets pop-up.

As with all other Universe tools, you can modify or create a Texturize look and then save it under its own name by pressing the Save Preset... button.

Modify the Effect