2.5D Tool

The 2.5D Tools are for working with the ZBrush canvas directly. Unlike ordinary paint programs, the ZBrush canvas can hold depth and material information as well as color. You can create 2.5D effects by drawing instances of a 3D model on the canvas, or you can use any of the 2.5D Tools described here. Some Tools will only work when depth, material or color information has already been applied to the canvas.


The DecoBrush is an extremely versatile painting and texturing tool, good for fitting texture-alpha combinations along paths and into areas with specific shapes.
By default, it stretches one instance of the selected texture and alpha along the entire length of the brush stroke. This behavior can be changed so that a specified number of instances are applied, or that they tile along the path without resizing.
In addition, the drawn path can be converted to a flat polymesh object by pressing the Make Polymesh3D button in the Tool palette. This new object can be sculpted and distorted by standard editing tools, simultaneously distorting the applied texture to match. Edge smoothing can also be performed by subdividing this object.
When using this tool while Polyframes view mode is active, you can see the borders of all segments into which the path is divided. The way this tool divides a path into segments can be configured using its modifiers.
Also, you can draw while specifying the exact size and placement of each segment: hold the Shift key, click and drag to define the first segment, then release the Shift key (but not the mouse button) and press it again, drag to define the second segment, and so on.


The DirectionalBrush is similar to the RollerBrush because it paints selected textures and alphas so that they stretch or compress as needed to fit the directions of the applied stroke.
By default, ZADD (in the Draw palette) is un-pressed, which means this tool applies color information only to items already on the canvas. With ZADD pressed, depth information can be added as well.


The SimpleBrush applies paint to the canvas using chosen colors, thicknesses and Alphas (brush shapes). It adds to, and blends with, existing colors and depth information in the drawing. This tool is active when ZBrush is first opened.


The SingleLayerBrush applies only one coat of paint/depth with each brush stroke. It doesn’t build up color intensity or depth with overlapping strokes, unless you pick up the tablet pen or release the mouse button between strokes.


The SphereBrush always paints a perfect hemisphere, so that its edge is always round, no matter how big you make it. This brush is ideal for building up smooth-edged volumes in the drawing.


The AlphaBrush uses any Alpha image for its shape. It always draws parallel to the background, and draws at one level of depth — after each brush stroke’s first click, only pixols further away are overlapped.


The DepthBrush uses any Alpha image to paint, and adjusts its orientation to pixols beneath it. When used with the DragRect stroke type, it behaves like a 3D object — its position, size and orientation can be transformed.


The BumpBrush uses any Alpha image, and adds ‘bumps’ by continuously aligning itself to the surface of pixols painted upon.


The Smudge tool moves pixols around on the canvas, like pushing wet clay with your thumb.


The SnakeHookBrush pulls pixols outward from the image, toward you the viewer. It follows your cursor motion, thus making it easy to create spirals or wavy tentacles.


The HookBrush pulls outward from existing pixols, using any Alpha image. If you move the cursor in clockwise spirals while pulling, pixols are ‘inflated,’ if counterclockwise, pixols are ‘deflated.’


The EraserBrush uses any Alpha image to cut into existing pixols and apply the background color.


The FiberBrush enables you to add fiber-like strands to the image. It continuously aligns itself with existing pixols, making it easy to add realistic hair or vegetation to a surface.


The MRGBZGrabber enables you to grab part of the canvas, then automatically add the flattened image to the Texture palette, and the depth-map to the Alpha palette.
The MRGBZGrabber is sensitive to the MRGB, RGB, and M button settings in the Draw palette. If MRGB is pressed, material information from the canvas is also embedded into the texture. If RGB is pressed, material information is discarded. If M is pressed, only material information is grabbed and the texture is black.
Alternatively, the entire canvas can be grabbed without the use of this tool, using either the Texture:Grab Doc button (for images) or the Alpha:Grab Doc button (for alphas).


The ClonerBrush enables you to clone pixols from one part of the canvas to another, or from one layer to another. Colors and depths of cloned pixols interact with the originals just as if they were painted by any other means.
To pick the starting point for the ClonerBrush, hold the CTRL key and click in the canvas.


The PaintBrush applies a layer of color and/or depth in a continuous stroke. Although similar to the SingleLayerBrush, it provides natural, intuitive feedback — good for sketching or drawing.


The BlurBrush blurs pixols over which it is drawn. The BlurBrush blurs colors and/or depths; use it to smooth sharp edges or abrupt color transitions.


The SharpenBrush sharpens pixols over which it is drawn. Use it to bring out details in an image.


The NoiseBrush adds random noise to pixols. The NoiseBrush can be used to add noise to colors and/or depths.


The HighlighterBrush continuously lightens the colors of pixols.


The HighlighterBrush IICc0c0c0 lightens the colors of pixols, like the HighlighterBrush, but applies only one degree of highlighting with each brush stroke.


The IntensityBrush adds color intensity to pixols, without changing hues.


The SaturationBrush adds color saturation to pixols, without changing hues.


The HueShifterBrush changes the hues of pixols by shifting them across the spectrum –Êred turns more orange, yellow turns more green, blue turns more purple, etc.


The GlowBrush adds a glowing effect to pixols, by spreading higher-intensity colors outward.


The ColorizeBrush applies the currently-selected color or texture to the image.


The ContrastBrush increases the dark/light contrast of pixols.


The ShadingEnhancerBrush examines the current light settings and pixol depths of the image, and uses that information to lighten (highlight) or darken (shade) the pixols’ colors.


The RollerBrush is an effective texturing tool. It paints selected textures so that they stretch or compress as needed to fit the directions of the applied stroke.
By default, ZADD (in the Draw palette) is un-pressed, which means this tool applies color information only to items already on the canvas. With ZADD pressed, depth information can be added as well.
If the Transparent button (in the Texture palette) is pressed, the selected Alpha is used to mask the application of the texture.
In addition, the RollerBrush can modify the selected texture by picking color information from the canvas. To pick colors instead of painting them, hold the CTRL key while dragging over colors on the canvas.
The texture’s position can be previewed (and adjusted) before painting by holding the Alt/Option key while dragging.


The CustomFilters (III and V) apply customized effects to pixols over which they are drawn.
These filters employ convolve algorithms, so you can use them for such effects as blurring, sharpening, embossing and adding contrast.


The CustomFilters (III and V) apply customized effects to pixols over which they are drawn.
These filters employ convolve algorithms, so you can use them for such effects as blurring, sharpening, embossing and adding contrast.


2.5D Tool selected menu