
Cloth Simulation Examples

The following project files can be loaded from LightBox and are a good way of exploring cloth simulation.


Gravity example

Running the simulation with this project demonstrates dynamic surface collision.

  1. Press Dynamics >> CollisionVolume or Recalc.
  2. Press Run Simulation to view the simulation.
  3. Click the left mouse button or press Spacebar at any time to abort the simulation.


Alt image text

This project demonstrates the brush-based cloth simulation.

  1. Press Dynamics >> CollisionVolume or Recalc.
  2. Press B-C-K to select the ClothHook brush.
  3. Turn off Dynamics>>On Brushed.
  4. Set brush size to approximately 300.
  5. Click on the plane and pass it through the ring.


Head Cover sim

This project demonstrates cloth simulation and dynamic surface collision using the TransposeCloth Gizmo3D.

  1. Press Dynamics >> CollisionVolume or Recalc.
  2. Press B-T-C to select the TransposeCloth gizmo.
  3. Use the Gizmo to move the hemisphere and have it conform to the shape of the head.

Experiment with different settings for the Dynamics >> Simulation Iterations slider to see how it affects the result.