How Cloth Simulation Works

Getting Started

  1. Select the SubTool you would like to have the simulation run on.
  2. Turn on visibility for all SubTools on that the surface needs to collide with. Hide any that you wish to be ignored.
  3. Make sure Dynamics >> Gravity is on.
  4. Press Dynamics >> CollisionVolume to calculate the volume of all visible SubTools, or Dynamics >> Recalc if already active and the scene has changed.
  5. Press Dynamics >> Run Simulation.
  6. You can stop at any time by clicking anywhere in the ZBrush document or pressing the Spacebar.


Note: If a new SubTool is created or made visible you will need to press Recalc to recalculate the collision volume. To get particular effects, dummy objects can be added to your scene and removed later.

The simulation can be stopped, allowing interaction with the object before continuing the simulation. For example, stop the simulation by pressing Spacebar, add a mask and then continue the simulation. Masking is respected, fixing those areas in place. Additionally, there is the Dynamics >> On Masked option which will apply the simulation to the masked portion, while leaving you free to move the unmasked portion. This can allow the creation of carpet rolls, yoga mats, etc.

The simulation can also be created directly using the new Cloth sculpting brushes or the Gizmo3D TransposeCloth brush. The TransposeCloth brush allows you to use the Gizmo to control what’s happening without actually running the simulation. The new sculpting brushes produce different effects as explained below.

You can even make your own brushes. Any brush can be converted to a Cloth brush by activating the Brush >> Elasticity >> Simulation Iterations slider.