Topology Masking

Gizmo3D Topology Masking

As with TransPose, the Gizmo 3D affects only non-masked areas. By applying a mask to part of your SubTool, you will deform only the unmasked parts when manipulating the Gizmo 3D.
The Gizmo 3D includes several functions to help generate useful masking on mod­els.


Gizmo3D Topology Masking

Similar to TransPose, the Gizmo 3D includes a masking feature which follows your model’s topology. This function is very convenient to quickly mask a part which is composed of clean topology (such as that generated through ZRemesher) before applying a Gizmo 3D deformation. Examples of where this is useful would be to bend an arm or a leg at the joint while posing the model.
To use this masking function, simply hold the Ctrl key while dragging the Gizmo 3D. The mask will follow the topology, guided by the direction of cursor movement. All points opposite the Gizmo 3D’s origin will be masked. The edges of the mask will also automati­cally be blurred in order to facilitate a smooth edge for your deformation.


Note: When applying topological masking, the Gizmo 3D orientation will be updated in real-time to align with the cursor position.


Quick One-Touch Masking of PolyGroups

Masking particular parts of your models can sometimes be a tedious process – especially when the model is complex. However, if your model has PolyGroups this can become very quick and easy.
Simply switch from Edit mode to the Gizmo 3D in Move, Scale or Rotate mode. Then while pressing the Ctrl key, click on any PolyGroup to mask everything except this PolyGroup.
This action is very convenient when you are inserting multiple meshes into a surface and need to quickly select one of the insertions to then modify it through continued use of the Gizmo 3D, TransPose, or with other tools.


Note: This method of quickly creating masks is only available while using TransPose or Gizmo 3D.