Dropdown menu

Dropdown menu

ZFileUtils for ZBrush 4R8 has functions for creating a dropdown menu (similar to the 3D Text plugin).

For examples of how to use these functions, see the script included in the ZFileUtils zip file.

Creating a dropdown menu is straightforward but please make sure you use unique names for memory blocks as simply copying the examples could result in conflicts.

Initialize a new Dropdown

Function to Initialize a new Dropdown (the Dropdown is not shown, it’s initial data is created)
The function returns the ID (an integer value) of the new dropdown

[VarSet, resDropdown, [FileExecute, [Var, dllPath], DropdownNew]]

Delete a Dropdown

Function to Delete a Dropdown (the Dropdown doesn’t exist anymore after deletion)

[RoutineDef, ZFU_DropdownDelete,
	[If, [FileExecute, [Var, dllPath], DropdownLoad,, dropdown],,
		[FileExecute, [Var, dllPath], DropdownDelete]
, dropdown]

Clear a Dropdown

Function to Clear a Dropdown (the Dropdown still exists after clearing it, but it’s empty)

[RoutineDef, ZFU_DropdownClear,
	[If, [FileExecute, [Var, dllPath], DropdownLoad,, dropdown],,
		[FileExecute, [Var, dllPath], DropdownClear]
, dropdown]

Get Dropdown Strings count

Function to Get the strings count in a Dropdown

[RoutineDef, ZFU_DropdownGetCount,
	[If, [FileExecute, [Var, dllPath], DropdownLoad,, dropdown],
		[VarSet, resCount, 0]
		[VarSet, resCount, [FileExecute, [Var, dllPath], DropdownGetCount]]
, dropdown, resCount]

Get Dropdown String

Function to Get a string in a Dropdown

[RoutineDef, ZFU_DropdownGet,
	[VarSet, str, ""]
	[If, [FileExecute, [Var, dllPath], DropdownLoad,, dropdown],,
		[If, [MemGetSize, ZFU_Mem_Temp],, [MemCreate, ZFU_Mem_Temp, 256]]
		[If, [FileExecute, [Var, dllPath], DropdownGet,, index2, ZFU_Mem_Temp],,
			[MemReadString, ZFU_Mem_Temp, str]
		[MemDelete, ZFU_Mem_Temp]
	[VarSet, resStr, str]
, dropdown, index2, resStr]

Set Dropdown String

Function to Set a string in a Dropdown

[RoutineDef, ZFU_DropdownSet,
	[If, [FileExecute, [Var, dllPath], DropdownLoad,, dropdown],,
		[FileExecute, [Var, dllPath], DropdownSet, str, index2]
, dropdown, index2, str]

Search Dropdown for String

Function to Search for a string in a Dropdown

[RoutineDef, ZFU_DropdownFind,
	[If, [FileExecute, [Var, dllPath], DropdownLoad,, dropdown],
		[VarSet, resIndex, -1]
		[VarSet, resIndex, [FileExecute, [Var, dllPath], DropdownFind, str]]
, dropdown, str, resIndex]

Append Dropdown String

Function to Append a string at the end of a Dropdown

[RoutineDef, ZFU_DropdownAdd,
	[If, [FileExecute, [Var, dllPath], DropdownLoad,, dropdown],,
		[FileExecute, [Var, dllPath], DropdownAdd, str]
, dropdown, str]

Insert Dropdown String

Function to Insert a string in a Dropdown

[RoutineDef, ZFU_DropdownInsert,
	[If, [FileExecute, [Var, dllPath], DropdownLoad,, dropdown],,
		[FileExecute, [Var, dllPath], DropdownInsert, str, index2]
, dropdown, index2, str]

Remove Dropdown String

Function to Remove a string from the Dropdown

[RoutineDef, ZFU_DropdownRemove,
	[If, [FileExecute, [Var, dllPath], DropdownLoad,, dropdown],,
		[FileExecute, [Var, dllPath], DropdownRemove,, index2]
, dropdown, index2]

Set Selected Dropdown String

Function to Set the selected string in a Dropdown

[RoutineDef, ZFU_DropdownSelect,
	[If, [FileExecute, [Var, dllPath], DropdownLoad,, dropdown],,
		[FileExecute, [Var, dllPath], DropdownSelect,, index2]
, dropdown, index2]

Get Selected Dropdown String

Function to get the selected string in a Dropdown

[RoutineDef, ZFU_DropdownGetSelected,
	[If, [FileExecute, [Var, dllPath], DropdownLoad,, dropdown],
		[VarSet, resIndex, -1]
		[VarSet, resIndex, [FileExecute, [Var, dllPath], DropdownGetSelected]]
, dropdown, resIndex]

Show Dropdown

Function to Show/open a Dropdown and let the user selecting one of its strings

[RoutineDef, ZFU_DropdownShow,
	[If, [FileExecute, [Var, dllPath], DropdownLoad,, dropdown],,
		[VarSet, resIndex, [FileExecute, [Var, dllPath], DropdownShow, buttonPath]]
, dropdown, buttonPath, resIndex]