Deactivating the ZBrush to KeyShot Bridge plugin
To deactivate the ZBrush to KeyShot Bridge, follow these steps:
- Browse your hard drive to locate the ZBrush installation. By default, it is located at:
- On Windows: C:\Program Files (x86)\Pixologic\ZBrushXX
- On Mac OSX: Applications/Pixologic/ZBrushXX
- Within the ZBrush folder, locate the Pixologic Deactivation Manager application and launch it.
- The application lists your currently activated plugins. You should have the ZBrush to KeyShot Bridge listed.
- Select it.
- Click the Deactivate button. The bridge will now be deactivated and the activation credited back to your license for use elsewhere.
If your computer does not have internet access, an offline activation process is available. After loading your license file you will be given the opportunity to save an activation request file to your computer. Simple put it on a USB stick and visit from any computer that does have internet access. Following the instructions on that web page will create a deactivation file. Download the file and save it to your USB stick. The Pixologic Deactivation Manager will allow you to load that file from the USB stick and complete the activation.