
Installing GoZ

These installation steps are only for your reference. Since ZBrush 4, GoZ is installed by default in ZBrush. Only the upgrading GoZ section is important. Thank you to check also the Note about Target Applications section.

GoZ installation is split into two parts: a set of files which are installed by default in your computer shared folder and several sets of files, specific to the target 3D applications.

The ZBrush installer will install the files in the shared folder, but it will be ZBrush, on the first GoZ launch, which will search for the installed and supported applications and then, will install the files needed to make the bridge. During this installation stage, ZBrush will ask you to install the files and may prompt for an administrator authorization and / or password. Please, enter the administrator password in order to have a successful installation.

At anytime, if you need to reinstall or install GoZ in a new supported application, you can go in ZBrush Preferences >> GoZ and then, click on “Update all Paths” to redo a full install and searching new supported application, or do it by manually clicking on a “Path to xxx application” for the application of your choice.

During this application search and install process, a windows will prompt you to choose the version that you want to use, or eventually browse to manually select the executable file.

Upgrading GoZ

This section explains how to upgrade GoZ from the default version that is installed with ZBrush 4 (and above) to a new version. Please check on a regular basis if a new update of GoZ isn’t available at our DownloadCenter.

Before upgrading GoZ, make sure that ZBrush and the target applications are closed. You must also be logged into the computer under an administrator account. If you’re in a school or business environment, it may be necessary to ask your IT manager to follow these steps for you.

After downloading the GoZ update file you will need to unzip it to reveal its contents. After unzipping, you will find two folders containing several subfolders and files. Included will be a copy of this documentation and all needed to perform the GoZ upgrade.


1. Before performing the upgrade, you should uninstall some scripts from Maya or Cinema 4D if you already have them set up as target GoZ applications:

2. Click Start > Computer and browse to the C:\Users\Public\ folder on Windows or on Mac OSX, using the Finder, locate the Users/Shared/ folder.

3. Open the folder containing the unzipped GoZ upgrade. Copy the included ‘‘Pixologic’’ folder and its contents to your C:\Users\Public\ folder on Windows or Users/Shared/Public/ on Mac OSX. (It is important to replace the original Pixologic folder rather than simply copy over it. Rename this folder to save it as a backup, or simply delete the Pixologic folder.)

4. Now browse to the C:\Program files (x86)\Pixologic\ZData\ZPlugs folder on Windows or Applications/ZBrushOSX 4.0/ZData/ZPlugs folder on Mac OSX (or where you installed ZBrush to if you did not use the default installation settings). Overwrite the GoZ.zsc and the GoZDLL.dll/.lib files with the versions located in the downloaded ZBrush 4\ZData\ZPlugs folder.
IMPORTANT: Never modify the contents of the ZData folder unless (like now) you have been specifically instructed to by Pixologic.

5. Browse to C:\Program files (x86)\Pixologic\ZBrush 4\ZStartup\ExportTamplates on Windows or Applications/ZBrushOSX 4.0/ZStartup/ExportTamplates on Mac OSX (or wherever you have installed ZBrush to) and overwrite the GoZ Binary For Cinema4D.GoZ and the GoZ Binary NoFlags.GoZ with the ones located in the downloaded ZBrush 4\ZStartup\ExportTamplates folder.

6. Launch ZBrush.

7. Go to the Preferences palette >> GoZ and click on the Update all Paths button to search for target applications. For each target application found, install the needed components.

8. When prompted, accept the administrator authorization or enter your administrator login and password, even if you are currently logged in under an administrator account.
Note: You must have this request from your system.

9.When the search and installation are done, GoZ will be ready for use.