Welcome to HAIR!
HAIR is guaranteed to satisfy all your needs regarding the creation of hair, feathers, fur, grass, twigs or anything else that requires the even arrangement of thin, fine items onto a surface.
HAIR and Multi-processors
When rendering, HAIR makes use of all available processor cores. But note that, for technical reasons, only a single core is used for the preparation phase (Status Bar: Preparing Hair … ). So, if you want to squeeze every bit of processing power it can be a good idea to spread the hair over multiple HAIR Objects.
Except where otherwise stated, all head models within the HAIR documentation are © Bunk Timmer.
Hair and the Physical Renderer
Even though Hair can be used in conjunction with the Physical Renderer it does, however, bear several disadvantages:
- Rendering hair takes much longer (because hairs are calculated internally as polygons)
- Hair looks slightly different
- Hair Multi-Passes are not supported