Cloth Tag

Note: Please note that since Cinema 4D S26 or 2023 there is a new Cloth system (including Soft Bodies) integrated into the familiar legacy tags. Switch between the new and old system in the Basic tab using the Legacy solver option.

The Cloth tag integrates the following main functionalities, which you can create by calling up the corresponding tag (meaningful, specific settings are already made here and there):

Note that there appear to be 3 different tags, but all 3 functionalities are included in the Cloth tag. Different options are activated, but these can be changed at any time. Many parameters are even used by all functionalities, such as bendiness, stretchiness, friction, etc., which have their justification, i.e., function, for clothing, balloons and Soft Bodies.

The icon of the Cloth tag is dynamic, it changes its appearance depending on its main functionality and the settings you define in the tag. For example, the icon looks different after saving the simulation than in the initial state. A quick glance reveals which mode the Cloth engine is currently in. Below is an overview of the different icon states:

Motion Blur


The following settings must be made so that Redshift can calculate the motion blur correctly:

  1. Bake the simulation using the settings in the Cache tab.

  2. Also assign these two tags to the Cloth tag-bearing object:

    • RS Object(Tags | Render-Tags).
    • Vertex Color tag(Tags | MoreTags). Name the tag (Base tab) __velocity__. There are 2 underscores before and after "velocity".

  3. Activate the Enabled option for Motion Vector"in the Motion Blur"tab of the RS Object Tag and drag and drop the vertex color tag into all 3 fields of X, Y and Z. Also set Unit to Seconds.

  4. And of course, don't forget to activate Motion Blur and Deformation Blur in the render presets.

By renaming the Vertex Color tag as described above, the speed is coded in RGB colors for each object point.

Physical renderer

Attention: To use the intermediate image motion blur, as well as the motion blur of the Physical renderer, the simulation must be saved using the settings of the Cache tab for the effect to become visible. A saved solution is also required for the use of Team Render.