This allows you to send your own values to individual particle properties or output particle properties and have them input again, e.g., modified using simple calculation operators. In the following video, for example, the age of the particles is used for a sine calculation and the result is then input to the Y position of the particles. As a result, the particles oscillate up and down during flight.
Normal braking and acceleration effects are also no problem. In the following example, only a single Math Modifier was used to multiply the current velocity of the particles by a value. If the value is just above 1, the particles will accelerate from frame to frame. At values just below 1, the particles will slow down and can then come to rest completely, as in the following video.
The typical shrinking of particle sizes, here in conjunction with a simultaneous change in color, is also no problem for the Math Modifier. Here, the particle Radius was simply reduced by multiplying it by a value just below 1 and the red component of the particle colors was gradually increased using a second Math Modifier. To control the timing, both Modifiers were placed under a Condition that causes the math to become active only after at least 70% of the particle Lifetime has elapsed.