This object is required in your particle system in any case, as it manages the particles and offers you the option of assigning objects and display forms and also enables the combination with the MoGraph Cloner, a Volume Builder or the Pyro Emitter, for example. For this reason, Particle Groups are also created automatically each time a new Emitter is created, for example.
As can be seen in the image above, Particle Groups not only serve to collect the particles of an Emitter, but also make these particles available to subordinate Conditions, Modifiers and Forces. This is always important if you have several Emitters in the scene and want to control their particles independently of each other or if you want to split the particles of an Emitter and control them individually. If Conditions, Modifiers or Forces should act on particles from different Particle Groups, it is advisable to use Multi Groups, which can make the particles of several groups available at the same time.
Particle Groups are linked within Emitters or even some special Modifiers in order to record and manage the particles created there. Even particles that are generated at an Emitter but are not assigned to a group there will be managed in an invisible group whose display options can be found in the Scene Settings (under Simulation/Particles). These groupless particles are colored purple by default. In general, however, all particles should be managed in groups, as this is the only way they can be rendered.
In addition, only Particle Groups provide options for calculating Alembic cache files, which are required for rendering with motion blur, among other things.
As already mentioned, Particle Groups are normally created automatically together with new Emitters. However, they can also be created manually at any time and assigned to Modifiers or Emitters, for example. Corresponding Group link fields are available in these objects for this purpose. The Particle Group contains various settings that can be used to adjust the display of the particles in the viewports. The following image shows an example of this.
As particles can also change groups, the individual display type of each group also makes it possible to quickly identify which particles are in which group. Additional information can also be displayed, e.g., on the radius of each particle, its flight direction or orientation, which can also provide useful information on the appearance and behavior of the particles when viewing a standing simulation.
The Particle Group is comparable to a polygon object, in which the particles are managed similarly to points and the particle properties are saved as vertex or Vertex Color maps. Therefore, a Particle Group can also be combined directly with many Generators, as shown in the following image.
The following options for using a Particle Group are available (see also the image above):