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Animation - Timeline Dope Sheet/F Curve Mode Switching TAB Record Active Objects Objects F9 Record Current State Q Play backwards/Stop F6 Stop F7 Play Forward/Stop F8 Autokeying CTRL + F9 Go To Start SHIFT+ F Go To Previous Key CTRL + F Go To Previous Key F Go To Next Key CTRL + G Go To Next Frame G Go To End SHIFT + G Jump To First Marker CTRL + P Jump To Last Marker CTRL + O Show selected S Show all H Go To Current Frame O Go To Start ALT + F Go To End ALT + G Show preview ALT + H Go To next marker SHIFT + N Go To previous marker SHIFT + P Go To first marker SHIFT + CTRL + P Go To last marker SHIFT + CTRL + O Create marker in Timeline CTRL + LMB Marker in animation palette SHIFT + CTRL + LMB Range tool R Ripple Edit ALT + R Automatic mode ALT + A Show search bar CTRL + F Show filter CTRL + U Key interpolation Auto tangents A, T 1 Break tangents B, T 2 Zero angle (tangent) 0, T 3 Zero length (tangent) L, T 4 Clamp C, T 5 Linear ALT + L, T 6 Step ALT + T, T 7 Soft ALT + S, T 8 Ease In ALT + I, T I Ease Ease ALT + E, T 9 Ease Out ALT + O, T O Attribute Manager New Attribute Manager SHIFT + F5 Change parameter values faster/slower with arrows ALT or SHIFT Set parameter values to default. RMB on arrow BodyPaint 3D Turn brush clockwise ALT + . or ALT + ] Rotate Brush Counterclockwise ALT + [ or ALT + , Increase brush size , or [ Reduce brush size . or ] Increase brush hardness SHIFT + . or SHIFT + ] Reduce brush hardness SHIFT + , or SHIFT + [ Increase brush opacity CTRL + . or CTRL + ] Reduce brush opacity CTRL + , or CTRL + [ Non-Uniform Scale SHIFT + T UV Transform CTRL + T Texture View: Show All H Editor Object Manager SHIFT + F1 Material Manager SHIFT+ F2 Node Editor SHIFT + ALT + F2 Timeline SHIFT+ F3 Layer Manager SHIFT+ F4 Attribute manager SHIFT+ F5 Picture Viewer SHIFT+ F6 Coordinates Manager SHIFT+ F7 Structure Manager SHIFT+ F9 Script Manager SHIFT+ F10 Commands Customize Manager SHIFT+ F12 Change coordinate system W Close window SHIFT+ W Delete Backspace/Remove Quick command Selection V Toggle Parent Generator Q Interactively change animation time J + LMB Open Help via parameter/element CTRL+F1 File New Project CTRL + N Merge Project SHIFT + CTRL + O Open Project CTRL + O Close all Projects SHIFT + CTRL + F4 Save Project As SHIFT + CTRL + S Save Project CTRL + S Save Incremental Ctrl + Alt + S Exit Program CTRL + Q Material Manager Load Materials SHIFT + CTRL + O New Material CTRL + N, double-click New physical material SHIFT + CTRL + N New Node Material CTRL + ALT + N Replace material with another ALT + Drag&Drop General Switch between last tool and Selection Space bar Switch between the last two tools Shift + space bar Full-Screen Mo CTRL + Tab Commander SHIFT + C |
Node Editor Commander C Group Nodes ALT + G Ungroup Objects SHIFT + G Arrange all Nodes SHIFT + L Arrange selected Nodes L Subsequent Nodes select. SHIFT + S Center Selected ALT + S Show Selected S Show all H Zoom in/out +/- Select Connected Nodes U W Object Manager Merge Object SHIFT + CTRL + O Scroll to first active S Show Search Bar CTRL + F Show Filter CTRL + U Scene Information CTRL + I Group Objects ALT + G Ungroup Objects SHIFT + G Parent Enable/disable Generator Q Create one/several object(s), Parent to the Selection ALT+Create object Create object(s), Child to the Selection Create SHIFT+object Create multiple objects at the same hierarchy level CTRL+Create object Select object, including Children Click with MMB Picture Viewer Open image CTRL + O Save image as CTRL + SHIFT + S Full-screen mode CTRL + F Play forward Space bar Define as A A Define as B B AB swap S Set as preview start I Set as preview end O Zoom in/out +/- Auto-zoom mode H Change 100% and window-filling double-click Structure Manager Add ASCII file SHIFT + CTRL + O Jump Last Selection SHIFT + N Jump Next Selection N Jump Page up Page up Jump Page down Page down Jump to End End Jump to Start Pos 1 Vertex Map V Points P Polygons O UVW U Viewport Move camera 1, ALT + MMB Scale camera 2, ALT + RMB Rotate camera 3, ALT + LMB Zoom to selected elements S, ALT + S Zoom to selected object O, ALT + O Zoom to geometry H, ALT + H Show/hide axes ALT + D Viewport large/small MMB on view Changing the views F1, F2, F3, F4, F5 View presets SHIFT + V View presets (all) ALT + V Similar view presets Shift + Alt + V Render view CTRL + R Undo view SHIFT + CTRL + Z Restore view SHIFT + CTRL + Y Redraw A All views F5 Toggle active view Page up, MMB Gouraud shading N A Gouraud shading (lines) N B Quick-Shading N C Quick shading (lines) N D Constant shading N E Hidden lines N F Lines N G Wire mesh N H Isobates N I Cuboid N K Skeleton N L Display tag N O Backface culling N P Textures N Q X-Ray N R Edit isolines ALT + A Motion tracking Move footage ALT + MMB Scale footage ALT + RMB Footage full-screen H Create user Track CTRL + LMB Move Track by 1 pixel Arrow keys Show selected S Magnifying glass ALT Script Manager New script CTRL + N Open script CTRL + O Save script CTRL + S Save script as CTRL + SHIFT + S Asset Browser Browser presets CTRL + E Show Search Bar CTRL + F |
Modeling Enable/Disable symmetry globally ALT + W Create point M A Bridge B, M B Brush M C Close polygon hole M D Create polygon M E Cut edges M F Smoothing M G Magnet M I Line Cut K K, M K Plane Cut K J, M J Loop/path cut K L, M L Dissolve M N or CTRL+Backspace/Remove Optimize U O, U SHIFT + O Symmetrize M H, M SHIFT + H Set point value M U Slide M O Sew M P Merge M Q Set SDS weighting M R, . Bevel M S Spin Edge M V Extrude D, M T Extrude Inn I, M W Matrix Extrude M X Smooth Shift M Y Move (along Normals) M - Scale (along Normals) M # Rotate (around Normals) M , Disconnect U P, U SHIFT + P Reverse Normals U R Dissolve N-gons U E Subdivide U S, U SHIFT + S Melt U Z or ALT +Backsp./Remove Shrink U C N-Gon triangulation U T Disconnect U D, U SHIFT + D Align Normals U A Convert Primitive C Retriangulate N-Gons U G Un-triangulate U U Mirror Selection U V, U SHIFT + V Connect points/edges M M Move object 4 Scale object 5 Rotate object 6 Move Parent 7 Move tool E Rotate R Scale T Toggle active tool Space bar Switch modeling mode Return Undo (action) SHIFT + Z X-axis / Heading X Y-axis / Pitch Y Z-axis / Bank Z Modeling Settings SHIFT + M Snapping on/off SHIFT + S Quantize on/off SHIFT + Q Lock workplane on/off SHIFT + X Select all CTRL + A Select Connected U W Deselect all SHIFT + CTRL + A Freehand Selection 8 Live Selection 9 Rectangle Selection 0 Invert Selection U I Convert Selection U X Symmetrize Selection U V, U SHIFT + V Outline Selection U Q Fill Selection U F Enlarge Selection U Y, U SHIFT + Y Ring Selection U B Loop Selection U L Path Selection U M Phong Break Selection U N Shrink Selection U K Volume Mesh U H, U SHIFT + H Render Render Viewport CTRL + R Render in Picture Viewer SHIFT + R Render to Picture Viewer (TR) SHIFT + CTRL+ R Interactive render region ALT + R Create Preview ALT + B Render presets CTRL + B Sculpt Smoothing with all brushes SHIFT Invert brush effect CTRL Switch symmetry modes ALT + X,Y,Z Switch wireframe mode W Show/hide template Q Stencil Various, Scale, Rotate T + LMB, RMB, MMB Generally all brushes Brush Size MMB + mouse horizontal Brush Hardness, Opacity MMB + mouse vertical |