Object Properties
This option changes the shape displayed in the viewport, making specific steps more easily identifiable.
No shape will be used, the footsteps won't be displayed in the viewport (this is usually reserved for steps groups, or to hide steps that you don't need to edit).
A rectangle will be drawn for the selected step.
A circle will be drawn for the selected step.
This option changes the orientation of the shape drawn for each step.
The step shape will be oriented along its XY, ZY or XZ local axis.
Width [-∞..+∞m]
Length [-∞..+∞m]
If the selected display type is Rectangle or Circle, you can set a specific width and length with these options, for that shape.
This link slot should contain the hub of the selected step. This should be the actual object (usually pelvis), not a Step object defined as a hub.
This link slot should contain the object affected by the selected step. This should be the actual object (usually left or right foot), not a Step object.
Defines the step type for the selected Step object.
The Group type is the object that represents each Hub found in the Objects list. Its purpose is to group Hubs and Steps object under their respective hierarchies.
The Steps type is used to regroup Steps and Hubs objects independently. Each hub object defined as Group has its own Steps group.
The Step type is used for individual steps.
Step [-2147483648..2147483647]
When the CMotion Step object is set to Step type, this value is then used to set its order. Using this parameter, you can change the order of the steps the character will use for its walk. You can also manually duplicate or create steps and add them manually to a previously generated set of steps. Just make sure the steps follow the correct order, otherwise you might get unexpected results.