Advanced Features Thinking Particles Nodes TP Generator Group PBlurp
Function available in CINEMA 4D Studio

Basic Parameter



In the Object Manager, drag the objects that should decay into fragments or be formed from the fragments and drop them into this box. These objects must be polygon objects. Primitive objects must be converted to polygons before being used with this node.

You can use two or more objects. These can be completely different shapes if you wish and they can have a different number of polygons. The top-most object in the Objects list will be used as the starting shape for the effect. This object will then fragment and morph into the second object in the list, which in turn will fragment and morph into the third object (if present), and so on.

A spline curve is used to control the path between the objects. Each object has virtual tangents which you can adjust to control this curve. The Left Tangent and Right Tangent parameters define the length of each tangent arm.

There is a further way to control the spline curve: you can add Null objects to the Objects list. Using these nulls, you can adjust the course of the spline between two polygon objects (the positions of the nulls will adjust the shape of curve).

You can set the following parameters separately for each object in the Objects list. Select an object and adjust its parameters as desired.

Stay [0..+∞%]

By default, the time it takes an object to break up into fragments is the same as the time it takes for the fragments to form the next object. However, if you set Stay to a value higher than 0%, the decay into fragments will be delayed.

A value of 100% corresponds to the length of time an object needs to decay into another object. Therefore if you increase the Stay value, the object will have less time to break up into fragments. In other words, if you increase this value, the object will break up into particles more rapidly (after an initial delay).

Frag [0..+∞%]

As mentioned above (see Stay), by default, the time it takes for an object to decay into fragments is the same as the time it takes for the next object to be formed out of the fragments. The Frag value controls how quickly the object decays into fragments. 0% means the object will decay into fragments immediately, while 100% means the decay will take the full time available.

Next [0..+∞%]

This value controls how long it will take for the fragments to move between the two objects.

A value of 0% means the particles will move immediately to the position of the target object, ignoring the spline curve that is between the objects.

In contrast, a value of 100% means the fragments will take the full time available to move to the position of the target object.

In Tangent [0..+∞]
Out Tangent [0..+∞]

These values control the lengths of the tangents for the object currently selected in the Objects list. A value of 0 leads to a linear spline path between the objects. Greater values lead to paths that are more curved.

From to

This setting controls the direction in which the object decays into fragments. For example, a setting of -Y To +Y means the object will decay from the negative Y axis in the direction of the positive Y–axis. The object’s axis system is used.


Here you can control the shape and appearance of the fragments. You can use your own objects as fragments — connect the Fragment Particle port to a PShape node.

Choose one of the following modes:

Single Faces

Each face of the object breaks up into one fragment.

Smooth and Distance

This mode activates the Angle and Radius settings. The number of fragments created depends on the direction of the surface Normals. Neighboring surfaces that point in a similar direction (as defined by the Angle value) are grouped together to form a single fragment. The Radius value controls the size of these fragments. The Radius value is a percentage where 100% represents the total size of the object. A value of 50% therefore leads to fragments that are half the size of the object that is decaying.


This mode activates the Count parameter, which enables you to specify the exact number of fragments that the object will break up into.

Angle [0..180°]

This setting is available only if Type is set to Smooth And Distance. It defines the maximum difference in angle between Normals of neighboring surfaces that will give rise to a single fragment.

Radius [0..+∞%]

This setting is available only if Type is set to Smooth And Distance. The value defines the size of the fragments relative to the size of the object.

Count [0..2147483647]

If Type is set to Count, here you can enter the total number of fragments that the object is broken up into.

Thickness [0..+∞%]

This parameter gives the fragments thickness by extruding them. The strength of the extrusion is defined as a percentage, where 100% corresponds to the object’s greatest dimension. Keep in mind that adding thickness to the fragments requires more surfaces to be created and hence more RAM.

No Fragments

This option hides the fragments (for some compositing tasks, it can be useful for the fragments to be invisible but for the holes to still appear in the object).

Remaining Type

Here you can define the appearance of the object once fragments have been broken away from it.


The original object disappears completely as the fragments break off.


Gaps appear in the object surface as the fragments break off. This gives the effect that the object is breaking up into its component parts.


Each fragment that breaks off takes a chunk out of the object. This is comparable to the peeling of an orange. In contrast to the Hollow mode, the object remains solid — there are no unfilled holes, just chunks missing.

Thickness [0..+∞%]

In contrast to the Thickness value previously described, here you define the thickness of the object that remains behind. If Remaining Type is set to Hollow, you can define a thickness for the object so that is still appears to be solid after fragments have broken off. Keep in mind that adding thickness to the object requires more surfaces and hence more memory. For best results, set both Thickness parameters to the same value.

Input Ports


The On input port takes a Boole value that enables (True) or disables (False) the node. The node is enabled automatically if you do not add this port.

Animation Time

Since the node’s parameters can be keyframe animated, by default the Cinema 4D time is used internally to ensure that the values are interpolated correctly.

However, you can pass your own time value to this port. This should be of the data type Time, which is a Real number in the simplest case.

If no value is passed, Cinema 4D’s time is used.

Animation Phase [0..100%]

This input port controls the progress of the morphing effect. A value of 0% means the original object is fully intact, a value of 100% means the morphing is complete and the target object has been fully assembled from the fragments.

Output ports

Remaining Particle

Outputs the fragment particles that have not yet been created and are not yet moving towards the next object.

Remaining Count [-2147483648..2147483647]

The object is fragmented gradually. This port outputs the number of fragments yet to be created.

Remaining Number [-2147483648..2147483647]

Outputs the internal numbers of all the remaining fragment particles.

Fragment Particle

Outputs the fragment particles that are currently moving between the objects. Using this port they can be assigned to individual particle groups or shapes.

Fragment Count [-2147483648..2147483647]

The number of fragment produced by the node.

Fragment Number [-2147483648..2147483647]

The internal number of the fragment particle currently being generated.