Cinema 4D Basic Features Animate Timeline Menu
Function available in CINEMA 4D Prime, Visualize, Broadcast, Studio & BodyPaint 3D


This menu contains options that let you jump to specific locations in the Timeline view, move the Timeline view to specific regions and more. All options work in either Dope Sheet mode or F-Curve mode.


Go to Previous Key
Go to Next Key

Use this option to make the Timeslider jump to the next or previous key/Motion Clip.

Go to First Key/Motion Clip
Go to Last Key/Motion Clip

Use this option to make the Timeslider jump to the first or last key/Motion Clip.

Frame Marker

Go to Next Marker
Go to Previous Marker

Use this option to make the Timeslider jump to the next or previous Marker.

Go to First Marker
Go to Last Marker

Use this option to make the Timeslider jump to the first or last marker.

Frame Marker

Selecting this option will open a small dialog window in which a marker name can be entered, to which the Timeslider will then jump.

When the cursor is placed over this option in the menu a list with all available Markers will be displayed. Select a Marker to which the Timeslider should be set. The Timeslider view will also be centered on that Marker.

Other Commands

Frame Selected

Selecting this option will display all selected keys/Motion Clips in the Timeline view. If necessary, the Timeline view will be scaled so all keys can be displayed.

Frame All

Selecting this option will display the entire animation. The Timeline view will be scaled accordingly, if necessary.

Go to Current Frame

Selecting this option will make the Timeline view jump to the location of the Timeslider. The Timeslider will then be centered in the Timeline view.

Go to Start
Go to End

Selecting this option will make the Timeline view jump to the start or end of the document, as defined in the Project Settings menu (Attribute Manager: Mode/Project).

Frame Project Settings

Selecting this option will scale the Timeline view to make the entire project length visible (Attribute Manager: Mode/Project).

Frame Preview Range

Selecting this option will scale the Timeline view to make the entire preview range (as defined by the Powerslider) visible.

Frame Range...

Selecting this option will open a small dialog window in which you can define a temporal range to be displayed in the Timeline. The Timeline view will be scaled accordingly.