Cinema 4D Program Documentation Reference Cinema 4D Advanced Features Sculpting
Function available in CINEMA 4D Studio & BodyPaint 3D

Tips and Tricks

There are a few rules that must be followed when sculpting:

Extreme protrusions (note the wireframe at right) are very difficult to edit.

In the example above, a spike was created using the Grab brush by pulling it from the surface. The problems start when you try to pull a secondary spike from the original spike, as shown at the right of the image, and you exceed the limits of subdivision. The original object should correspond roughly to the shape of the final object since "sculpting around corners" as shown in our example is very difficult to do.

You can, however, continue to sculpt at a later point – but with several limitations.

Proceed as follows if you want to sculpt objects that have already been rigged (i.e., with Joints, Weights, etc.) and/ or animated:

  1. Select the rigged mesh (the following list also applies to shapes with Deformers that you want to sculpt).
  2. Make sure that the object is in an unsculpted state. All Deformers, Subdivision Surfaces, etc. should be disabled.
  3. Click on the Subdivide button several times and start sculpting.
  4. Select the Sculpting tag and enable the Freeze and Allow Deformations options
  5. Enable all Deformers and Subdivision Surfaces that were disabled (if the object is sculpted again these do not have to be disabled - only the Freeze option must be disabled). Deformations and animations will work.

The following limitations apply:

– Weighting cannot be modified on an animated character. Weighting must be completed prior to sculpting.

– Phong tags will take effect once the Freeze has been enabled.

– When sculpting, none of the object’s tags should be deleted or re-arranged and none added.