Cinema 4D Advanced Features Dynamics Dynamics Nodes Dynamics Body State
Function available in CINEMA 4D Studio
Dynamics Body State

Basic Node Parameter



Enables or disables the Node’s effect.


The Dynamics effect can be triggered by By XPresso using its new Trigger Node when the boolean value True is used.

Object Index [0..2147483647]

If, for example, you place a clone-generating object into this field you can access each clone/object individually based on their internal numbering.

Point Index [0..2147483647]

Enter the Point Index of the object (should not be a Cloner object) in the Object field. The Point Index displays the point at which force or speed are exerted, as the Point of Application/Local Point of Application Ports would also do.

Mass [-∞..+∞]

If, for example, you place a clone-generating object into the Object field (where a single Dynamics Body tag can generate numerous dynamic objects) you can, also in conjunction with Object Index, define an individual mass for each object.


This outputs a boolean value when a given object is controlled by Dynamics. An object not yet affected (see Trigger) is output with 0.

Position [XYZ ]

Lets you set the object to a fixed position from which the object will not move as long as the Node is in effect. See also Global Matrix.

Local Position [XYZ ]

This Input Port is designed for use with Soft Bodies. With it you can define a local position for the Point Index Input Port’s object point (from the Soft Body’s origin).

Rotation [XYZ ]

Lets you set the object to a fixed angle.

Global Matrix

If you place an object into this field it will jump to this point/angle. As long as the Node is active the object will not be moved by Dynamics.

This is a very practical function that lets you keep objects in place during an animation despite the effects of Dynamics.

Linear Velocity [XYZ ]

Defines a linear velocity to which the object will try to adhere (by internally applying very high forces).

Angular Velocity [XYZ ]

Defines the angular velocity to which the object will try to adhere (by internally applying very high torque).

Add Linear Acceleration [XYZ ]

In principle the same as Add Force only that the mass is not taken into consideration. Light and heavy objects are accelerated equally.

Add Angular Acceleration [XYZ ]

Add Force [XYZ ]

Adds a force. The location at which it is added can be defined using the following Input Ports:

Add Torque [XYZ ]

This is where you add torque.

Point of Application [XYZ ]
Local Point of Application [XYZ ]

If you assign forces or velocity to an object the Point of Application is an important aspect because of the resulting torque if the Point of Application does not lie at the center of mass.

With this Node you can define the point at which force or velocity is applied to an object, in either global or local coordinates.

Output Ports

A wide variety of values can be output using these ports, e.g., for controlling effects.

Count [-2147483648..2147483647]

If Object is empty and not connected to an Input Port, the total number of objects affected by Dynamics is displayed here.

Object Index [-2147483648..2147483647]

Processes the current object or Object Index.


Processes the Dynamics Body tag of the selected object.

Mass [-∞..+∞]

This Output Port provides the total object mass or the individual point mass on a Soft Body.

Position [XYZ ]
Rotation [XYZ ]

Provides position and rotation information.

Local Position [XYZ ]

The local point position (those points defined by the Point Index Input Port) for Soft Bodies can be output.

Global Matrix

outputs the object’s global matrix (contains position, rotation and size data). Alternatively you can use the Position and Rotation ports directly, if necessary.

Linear Velocity [XYZ ]
Angular Velocity [XYZ ]

Outputs an object’s linear/angular velocity.

Linear Acceleration [XYZ ]
Angular Acceleration [XYZ ]

Outputs the linear/angular acceleration. If an object collides, very high acceleration will be generated.

Force [XYZ ]

Outputs the force being exerted onto an object. If, for example, you let a cube fall, this value represents the downward force on the cube. If the cube collides with other objects, very strong forces will be generated.

Torque [XYZ ]

Outputs the torque being applied to the object. This can be torque resulting from Motors, collisions or whatever else affects the rotation of the object.