Cinema 4D Advanced Features Hair Hair Nodes Hair Intersection
Function available in CINEMA 4D Studio
Hair Intersection

Basic Node Parameter



Use this port to pass an object to be checked for overlapping, or drag an object into the Reference field.

Position [XYZ ]

Use this setting port to enter a position vector. This can be done more easily in the XPresso Editor by connecting the positions of corresponding objects or particles to the Position input port.

Velocity [XYZ ]

A velocity vector can be entered here, or simply connect the corresponding velocity vectors to the Velocity input port in the XPresso Editor.

How can the velocity vectors of (normally) animated objects be ascertained?

Drag the object into the XPresso Editor and subsequently activate the History Level setting with a value of at least 1. Finally, select Position Velocity as your output port.

Radius [-∞..+∞]

This is the radius of the (virtual) spherical area of detection that is placed around a given position that should be checked for collision with guides or hairs. Enter a value greater than 0, otherwise no intersections will take place.


The result of this output port is a Boolean true or false, depending on whether or not intersections take place.

Guide [-2147483648..2147483647]

This port outputs the guide number of the intersecting guide.

Segment [-2147483648..2147483647]

This port outputs the segment number of the intersected segment.

Segment Delta [-∞..+∞]

This port outputs the exact position at which a given segment was intersected. A value between 0 (segment start) to 1 (segment end) will result.

Ray Delta [-∞..+∞]

This port outputs the exact position at which a given velocity vector was intersected. A value between 0 to 1 will result.

Position [XYZ ]

This port outputs the point of intersection on the guide containing the velocity vector as vector.