Function available in CINEMA 4D Prime, Visualize, Broadcast, Studio & BodyPaint 3D
Boole Object
Basic Coord. ObjectBoole Object
You will find the Boole object on the Create / Modeling sub-menu. It performs real-time Boolean operations on primitives or polygons. This means that you can see the result in the viewport as soon as you make the two objects children of the Boole object (try two spheres for testing). The default Boolean mode is A subtract B.
The Boole object also works with hierarchies. This means you can, for example, cut not only one but two or more holes in an object using A subtract B. Each further cut object must to be located in a hierarchy under the first cut object. If any cut object in the hierarchy overlaps with a cut object higher in the hierarchy, the Boolean operation will not work for the area of cut object overlap.
Disadvantage of the new boolean algorithms:
- The new algorithm can perform highly complex functions slower than the old algorithm.
- The new algorithm can sometimes calculate a wrong result. If this should occur, disable the High Quality option.
The following applies if Create Single Object and Select Intersections are enabled:
The Boole object will create an (internal, which is made visible for objects that are made editable) Intersection tag named ,I’ (as in Intersection). If the Boole object is made polygonal, the tag will be made visible. Even when hidden, the tag can be used wherever Intersection tags are evaluated (e.g., when Selection the Bevel Deformer). Simply enter the letter I in the corresponding field.
Make sure that the object to which you want to apply a Boolean function is a closed volume. Otherwise unwanted results can be produced.
Tip 2
Make sure that objects that are part of the boole operation are closed volumetric bodies. Otherwise unwanted results may occur.
Tip 3
The higher the subdivision of the objects the cleaner the cut will be. If you experience artefacting at the edges after performing a boole operation, increase the objects’ subdivision and perform the operation again.
Tip 4
Make sure the objects to be booled have been cleanly constructed. Problems may occur when using objects that consist of intersecting volumetric bodies.