Cinema 4D Advanced Features MoGraph Effectors ReEffector
Function available in CINEMA 4D Broadcast, Studio

Basic Coord. Effector Parameter Deformer Falloff


The following settings can be used to precisely define which parameters that are affected by other Effectors that are outside of the ReEffector should and should not be cancelled by the ReEffector Effector. The option box at the right of each setting can be used to activate or deactivate the parameter completely, without changing its value to do so. Disable all options if the ReEffector should - within its falloff parameter - allow all other effects as they stand. It is essentially turned off.

If this option is enabled, the ReEffector will neutralize Effectors that lie farther away and are arranged in front of it in the list (of clone-generating objects). Its Effectors will continue to function (always in accordance with the respective slider settings). The Strength slider, which each setting has, blends steplessly back-and-forth from full effect from external Effectors and no effect from its own Effectors (0%) to no effect from external Effectors and full effect from its own Effectors (100%).



Use these settings to define if the effect of other Effectors with regard to changes in position (can also be restricted to individual axes) should be annulled (option enabled) and the strength with which this effect should be mixed with the effects of your own ReEffector Effectors.


Use these settings to define if the effect of other Effectors with regard to changes in scale (can also be restricted to individual axes) should be annulled (option enabled) and the strength with which this effect should be mixed with the effects of your own ReEffector Effectors.


Use these settings to define if the effect of other Effectors with regard to changes in rotation (can also be restricted to individual color components) should be annulled (option enabled) and the strength with which this effect should be mixed with the effects of your own ReEffector Effectors.



Use these settings to define if the effect of other Effectors with regard to changes in color (can also be restricted to individual color components) should be annulled (option enabled) and the strength with which this effect should be mixed with the effects of your own ReEffector Effectors.



Use these settings to define if the effect of other Effectors with regard to changes in weighting should be annulled (option enabled) and the strength with which this effect should be mixed with the effects of your own ReEffector Effectors.

Modify Clone

Use these settings to define if the effect of other Effectors with regard to changes in the clone order (s.a. Klone ändern) should be annulled (option enabled) and the strength with which this effect should be mixed with the effects of your own ReEffector Effectors.


Use these settings to define if the effect of other Effectors with regard to changes animation time should be annulled (option enabled) and the strength with which this effect should be mixed with the effects of your own ReEffector Effectors.

U Transform
V Transform

Use these settings to define if the effect of other Effectors with regard to changes in UV coordnates (s.a. U/V-Transformation) should be annulled (option enabled) and the strength with which this effect should be mixed with the effects of your own ReEffector Effectors.


Use these options to define if and to which degree a change in visibility should be cancelled or allowed by other Effectors.