Cinema 4D Basic Features Create Menu Sound Microphone
Function available in CINEMA 4D Prime, Visualize, Broadcast, Studio & BodyPaint 3D

Stereo Microphone Object

Basic Coord. Object

Stereo Microphone Object

Use this to create a stereo microphone. Sound information for the left and right sound channels can be rendered automatically.

The stereo microphone object exists primarily to create stereo sound data quickly and easily and differs therefore from the mono microphone and also from the predefined groups of microphones described here. The distance between the two sound channels (stereo) can only be defined for this special microphone object. This generates a single stereo file as its output. Naturally you can also use the Stereo group with two mono microphones. However you then get two separate mono files (one each for the left and right channel), which you have to mix with an external sound program to produce stereo sound.