Reference Cinema 4D Basic Features Configuration Preferences
Function available in CINEMA 4D Prime, Visualize, Broadcast, Studio & BodyPaint 3D


PSR Cursor

Enable this option if the corresponding icon should be displayed when using the Move, Scale or Rotation tool.

Tool Cursors

Most tools have a corresponding icon that can be displayed at the cursor. Enabling this option displays this icon.

Mouse Move Activation

Let’s say you have a Cube selected in the Object Manager and a material in the Material Manager. Your cursor is located on top of the Material Manager. You now press the "del" button on your keyboard. Which Manager is active and which element should be deleted?

This option defines the course of action that should be taken:

Control-Click for Right-Click

Here you can define which key should be pressed to call up the context menus. This is very useful for those using graphics tablets or one-button mice.

Note that if option is enabled, the Ctrl hotkey, e.g., to copy objects in the Object Manager, will not work (use the Cmd key instead).

Graphics Tablet

If you experience problems when using a graphics tablet with Cinema 4D, enable the Graphics Tablet option.

macOS does not offer this (or the next) command. The functionality is activated automatically.

Hi-Res Tablet

If you still experience problems and you are using the latest driver for your tablet, disable Use Hi-Res Coordinates to use the tablet in mouse mode. Although you will lose some of the tablet’s resolution, you should barely notice the difference.

Open Commander Dialog on Mouse Position

Here you can define if the Commander should be opened directly at the cursor location or always at the center of the monitor.


Touch Support

This setting is designed to support state-of-the-art input devices such as touchpads, trackpads, mice with multi-wheel/touch/ball, touchscreens, etc. These can be used to control the navigation in Cinema 4D with specific gestures (e.g., move, zoom, rotate). This setting may possibly only be available for Windows since MacOS works very dependably and must not be disabled.

Cinema 4D evaluates a mouse scroll wheel differently in the Viewport than, for example, in the browser. In the browser you use the wheel to scroll and in Cinema 4D you use it to zoom - this is the behavior you’re accustomed to.

Touch devices on the other hand use swipe movements to scroll and 2-finger movements (spread or pinch fingertips) to zoom. This is exactly how it should work when Automatic Detection is enabled.

If this does not work on Windows - for example, if the mouse scroll wheel moves the view instead of zooming - you can enable one of the following options:

  • Scroll Wheel: The mouse scroll wheel will zoom in the view (however, a touch swiping motion can also be interpreted as a zoom)
  • Touch Devices: The touch devices will work as expected with their respective gestures (however, the mouse scroll wheel will then also move the view instead of zooming - but here the Ctrl/Cmd key can be pressed simultaneously to zoom).