Reference Cinema 4D Basic Features Spline Menu Spline Pen
Function available in CINEMA 4D Prime, Visualize, Broadcast, Studio & BodyPaint 3D
Spline Pen



Use this setting to define the spline type that the tool should use for a newly created spline. Existing splines will not be affected.

Edit Tangents Mode

If this option is enabled and you select a control point on a Bézier spline you will edit its tangent (the point position will not be affected). This only works for unbroken tangents or tangent lengths of 0 (i.e., an angular spline).

If this option is disabled the point will be moved (all spline types).

Lock Tangent Rotation

If this option is enabled, all tangent angles will remain constant when points, spline segments or the tangents themselves are edited. Only the tangent lengths can be modified (as long as this is not prevented by the next option …).

If this and the next option are both enabled, a Bézier spline section, including both of its control points, can be moved.

Lock Tangent Length

If this option is enabled, all tangent lengths will remain constant when points, spline segments or the tangents themselves are edited. Only the tangent angles can be modified (as long as this is not prevented by the previous option …).

Create New Splines

When new spline points are created - as long as a spline point is not selected, which will set the existing spline forth from that location (if multiple splines are selected, the spline will be set forth from the point that was selected last), a new spline segment will be created by default. This option should be enabled if you would rather create a new Spline object.