Cinema 4D Program Documentation Reference Cinema 4D Basic Features
Function available in CINEMA 4D Prime, Visualize, Broadcast, Studio & BodyPaint 3D

Spline Menu

In this menu you will find all sorts of tools for creating and editing splines interactively. Many of the tools and commands in this menu can also be used to affect polygon meshes. A description of these can be found under Mesh-Menü. Or in other words: only the tools that affect splines can be found here.

Spline Pen
Spline Sketch Tool
Spline Arc Tool
Spline Smooth
Cross Section
Create Outline
Line Up
Hard Interpolation
Soft Interpolation
Equal Tangent Length
Equal Tangent Direction
Set First Point
Reverse Sequence
Move Down Sequence
Move Up Sequence
Join Segment
Break Segment
Explode Segments