View Menu

Small Icons

Medium Icons

Large Icons

These options define the size of the preview icons in the list.








These are the pre-defined steps with which you can zoom into or out of an image in the Picture Viewer. A value of 100% will display the image in its original size. This option can also be selected by clicking on the following button at the bottom left of the Picture Viewer window:



This filter makes it possible to exclude images with specific characteristics from the History list. The following settings are available:


Lets you display either all or none of the stills.


Lets you display either all or none of the animations.

Rendered Elements

Lets you display either all or none of the images rendered in the current session (regardless of whether or not they are saved to the cache).

Loaded Elements

Lets you display either all or none of the loaded (not rendered) images.

Saved Elements

Lets you display either all or none of the images saved explicitly through the Render Settings … menu (and all loaded images).

Full-Screen Mode

The Full Screen Mode is a presentation mode that lets you display images or animations in full-screen mode. All Cinema 4D windows and Managers will be hidden and the images/animation will be displayed in front of a black background.

For animations, an interface will be displayed at the bottom of the screen with which you can control the animation. This interface will fade out and will be re-activated by the next mouse movement. Pressing the space bar on your keyboard will stop/start the animation.

Press the ESC on your keyboard or click on the cross button at the top right to quit Full Screen Mode.


Lets you enable / disable the Navigator/Histogram display.

Auto Zoom Mode

If enabled the preview image will be scaled to fill the preview window completely. A similar option can also be selected by clicking on the following button at the bottom left of the Picture Viewer window:


Fit to Screen

The image will be scaled to screen size and if the window is scaled the image size will remain unchanged.

Zoom In

Zoom Out

Zoom in or out in pre-defined steps.

Fold All

Unfold All

Fold or unfold directories.

Single-Pass Layers

Has the same effect as selecting Single-Pass in the Layer tab.

Multi-Pass Layers

Has the same effect as selecting Multi-Pass in the Layer tab.


Enables or disables existing filters. This functionality is also available in the Filter tab (Enable Filter)

Pixel Aspect

It may occur that you have to render images with an aspect ratio different from the normal ratio. Enabling this option lets you distort the image in the Picture Viewer as you want it to look for final output. For newly rendered images the Pixel Aspect will be displayed in the Information tab's Pixel Aspect setting. Otherwise you can enter a value manually.

Enable Color Profile

If the image loaded into the Picture Viewer contains a color profile, enabling this option will ensure that it is evaluated correctly. Otherwise sRGB will be used.

Image Transparency

If the loaded or rendered image has an alpha channel or has a material with trasparent regions, the transparency can be displayed by activating this function.

At left Enable Image Transparency disabled, at right enabled.

Title Safe

Action Safe

Enables/disables the display for these frames. Their size can be modified using the corresponding settings in the Information tab.


Since you can browse the list of images or even load new images while a render process is running, enabling this option will display the image currently being rendered in the preview window.

Render Output

Assuming you have several images open, Cinema 4D needs to know where the newly rendered image should be displayed. This is done using this option.

Send to Magic Bullet Looks...

Use this command if you want to send the current Viewport display to Magic Bullet Looks for editing. The Magic Bullet Looks settings made will then automatically also be applied in the Magic Bullet Looks post effect.

Individual images - not videos - can be subsequently edited.

Tip:Note that a rendered image to which a Magic Bullet Looks effect has already been applied will again be procesed by Magic Bullet Looks, which is not what is wanted in most cases. This command should therefore only be enabled for images to which no Magic Bullet Looks effect has been applied.


If you open/render an image that contains multi-passes, you can send individual layers to Magic Bullet Look instead of using the render result (beauty pass) if the Simple Pass option was enabled and the respective layer is selected. After editing is completed in Magic Bullet Looks, a new layer named MBL Result (possibly sequentially numbered) will be created in the Picture Viewer.

Tip:If the Ctrl key is pressed when the image is opened, a new layer will be created instead of MBL Result being replaced.