Viewport Display


Full Animation Redraw

This option defines whether an animation will play in all 4 Viewports (enabled) if you open the 4-panel view or if the animation will only play in the active Viewport (disabled).

Realtime Values

If enabled, the corresponding parameters will be updated continuously in the Attribute Manager while the animation is playing.

This can help to prevent viewport slow-down when working with complex scenes.

Continuous Material Update

This option defines whether or not changes made to materials in the Material Manager - e.g., if when the color slider is moved - should be displayed continuously (option enabled) in the Viewport or after the mouse button is released (option disabled).


The settings in this menu were moved from the Viewport Configuration menu to this location for Cinema 4D S22. These had primarily been located in the Display and View menus. These are now program preferences that apply for all Viewports.

Axes Scale[0..400%]

Defines the size of the axes as well as the Axis, Scale and Rotation Bands.

Axis Bands

This refers to the selection of the Axis or Scale tool for visible Bands with which you can move along planes. These can also be hidden.

Rotation Circle[0..300%]

Use this value to define the size of the virtual rotation circle. This is the (thin) circle that is shown when the Rotation tool is selected to freely rotate the object (see also Rotate).

Rotation Bands

If the Rotation tool is selected, the red, blue and green circular bands will be displayed in the Viewport, which you can use to rotate the planes accordingly. These can also be hidden. If they are hidden, spherical handles will be displayed on the axes, which can then be used to rotate them.

Rotation Scale[0..400%]

If the Rotation tool is selected, the red, blue and green circular bands will be displayed in the Viewport, which you can use to rotate the planes accordingly. How wide these bands are can be defined here.

Edge Points

Here you can define if the points of the selected object should also be displayed when in Use Edge mode.

Point Size[0..10]

Selected Point Size[0..10]

When in Use Point or Use Edge mode, polygon and spline points can be displayed. These settings define the size of the selected or unselected points separately.

Edge Size[0..10]

Selected Edge Size[0..10]

When in Use Edge mode, object edges are displayed with the thickness defined here. This can be defined separately for selected and unselected edges.

Spline Size[0..10]

Here you can define the thickness with which the splines will be displayed (is not supported by MacOS).

Normals Scale[0..400%]

Defines the length of the polygon and vertex Normals.

Viewport Elements

Axis Position

By default, a small axis icon is displayed at the bottom left of the Viewport. You can display this in all for Viewports or not at all.

Axis Type

Axis Type defines which axis should be displayed: Object or World Axis. This serves orientation purposes, e.g., if the World Grid is turned off.

Axis Scale[0..400%]

This defines the scale of the axis.

Axis Text

Axis Text defines if the axis name (X, Y or Z) should be displayed.

Background Gradient

Here the grayscale gradient shown in the Viewport can be switched to a single-color surface.

Object Selection


Selected objects can be displayed with a colored outline (the thickness of which can be adjusted using the Outline Size setting). The Child objects of a selected object will be assigned a slightly thinner outline. This option enables or disables the display of these outlines.

Outline Size[1.00..10.00]

Here you can define the thickness of the outline (and of this one: Object Highlighting).

Sel.: Bounding Box

Include Children

If the Outlines option is disabled, the selected objects will be assigned a bounding box if this option is enabled. If the Include Children option is enabled, bounding boxes will also be assigned to all Child objects.

Sel.: Wireframe

Include Children

Enable this option if a selected object should be displayed including its wireframe. If the Include Children option is enabled, this will also be done for all Child objects.


Monitor Aspect[0.00..+∞]

These values specify the ratio of a pixel's on-screen width to its on-screen height. the monitor aspect for most monitors is 1:1.

However, some display media use a pixel ratio other than 1:1. This will lead to distortion unless the pixel ratio is adjusted accordingly.

For example, circles will appear to be ellipses. To calculate the pixel ratio manually, expand the editor window to fill the entire screen. Select the side view and create a cube. Measure the width and height of the cube with a ruler and enter the value into the value field.

Linear Workflow

Here the display of colors, shaders, etc can be turned on or off in the Viewport in consideration of the linear workflow.

Display Color Profile

In the following you will find information regarding Color Management.

Define the ICC hardware profile for your display hardware (most often a monitor) here. Everything that Cinema 4D displays on your monitor - Viewport, color selector, rendered images in the Picture Viewer, etc. - will be displayed using this color profile (the same settings can be found in the Image Color Profile settings when saving rendered images).

ICC profiles can be obtained from hardware manufacturers. These values can also be incorrect due to variations in the manufacturing process. If you want to make 100% sure you have the correct color profile you must calibrate the device yourself using the appropriate calibration device.

In most cases you will not have to modify these settings because your computer's operating system will use its default monitor profile. However, this automatic calibration can be (or become) faulty. In such cases you can adjust the profile manually.

Tip:Note that many monitor profiles are below standard and can even produce "banding" (stripes result on finer color gradients). This is why the default setting is sRGB, which works for most instances and also requires less memory.

Clicking on the button at the right will make a selection menu available with the following options:

Color Management Disabled

Cinema 4D will ignore the monitor's color profile and use uncorrected RGB values for display.

Link Monitor Profile

This command does not save the monitor profile to the Preferences but loads them from the computer's operating system each time the application is started.


Here you can manually load an ICC profile (if you have calibrated your monitor

you will be given an ICC color profile file that can be loaded here but which will normally be supplied by your operating system automatically). If an image or a video with an integrated profile is loaded here, this image or video will be used.


Saves the current ICC profile as a file.

Load From Monitor

The operating system's current monitor profile will be read (when command is selected) and saved to the Preferences.


An sRGB profile (which should always be used if no other profile has been specified) or a Linear profile can be defined.