Bump Blender


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This shader allows you to combine the results of up to 4 bump, normal and round corners shader nodes.

The output of this shader is a displacement vector, which when attached to the material bump-map input will result in a perturbed normal.

We recommend when using regular height-field bump maps, you pre-blend the texture input, which is more accurate and more flexible than using this node to do blending after generating the bump.





This is the bump/normal map displacement vector for the base layer of the material.

Layer 0, 1, 2

Bump Input

This is the bump map displacement vector for a subsequent layer of the material.

Bump Weight

This is a scale that is applied to the bump map displacement vector, to control the 'strength' of the bump.

Additive Mode

By default the blending method for layers take priority over previous layers as their layer weight increases. For example, if Layer 0 had a 'Blend Weight' of 1.0 the base layer would contribute nothing, leaving only Layer 0's bump contribution. When Additive Mode is enabled, the bump result of all layers is blended together by way of addition.

Additive Mode: Disabled

Base Layer: Brick Texture

Layer 1: Cobblestone Texture


(Cobblestone Texture reference)