Manual Installation

Manual installation of GoZ files

Before resorting to a manual installation of GoZ:

Should upgrading or forced re-installation not work, please follow the appropriate steps below for manual installation of GoZ.

Manual installation of GoZ files for ZBrush 4 and above on Windows

You must be logged into the computer under an administrator account. If you’re in a school or business environment, it may be necessary to ask your IT manager to follow these steps for you.

3D Studio Max

Cinema 4D



Note: modo 501 uses the same GoZ files as modo 401.


Manual installation of GoZ files for ZBrush 4 on Mac OS X

When prompted, don’t forget to enter the login and password of a user account which has administrator privileges. This is necessary even if you are logged onto your computer under an account which has such privileges.

Cinema 4D



Note: modo 501 uses the same GoZ files as modo 401.
